Our Farms!
The Local Scoop takes pride in our products and how they're sourced. We partner with local farms to provide the freshest ingredients, support local communities and because it tastes sooo much better. We have listed the farms we currently work with, and we are always looking to partner with more.
Cody’s Farm is a small, family run farm located in Richfield, NC about 45 minutes from The Local Scoop. Products are picked fresh everyday and if there is an abundance, they are flash frozen to keep fresh long after the season has ended.
Dancing Bee's Farm, Monroe, NC
Dancing Bees Farm is located in Monroe, NC and the 33 acre farm has many sources of plant life for the bees to visit for the wildflower honey, including many Tulip Poplar trees, wild buttercups, and sweet clover. It’s called Dancing Bees because honeybees perform various “dances” to communicate to other bees such things as where the best pollen/nectar sources are as well as directions to these sources!
Nut Hill Farm
Small family run farm that supplies herbs for our products. Thirty minutes from The Local Scoop, they have two greenhouses and can supply fresh product year round.
Uncle Scott's Rootbeer, Mooresville, NC
Made with pure and simple ingredients; filtered carbonated water, pure cane sugar, vanilla, cinnamon oil, natural caramel, wood extract, licorice root oil, anise oil and natural gum arabic. That's it...All ingredients you can pronounce and are natural.
No high fructose corn syrup, no artifical ingredients and no artifical preservatives.